Creating Weft Strands | ヨコ糸の束を作る


When using fine weft yarns, you may have to make several strands to weave.

I usually use the following two types of weft:

  • Harrisville Highland Wool Yarn
  • Klippan FARO Wool Yarn

I love both because of the wide selection of colors.

The Harrisville Highland Wool Yarn is sold as 2-ply twisted with 2 single yarn threads, and it is just the right thickness for my projects, so I use it as is.

The Klippan FARO Wool Yarn is still a thin yarn, so I use it in 3 strands to make it as thick as Harrisville Highland.
Here is the method I usually use to make 3 strands of this Klippan FARO Wool Yarn. It is very primitive.

You will need weft, a plastic bag, two bobbins and scissors.

Watch the following two-minute YouTube video first.



  • Harrisville Highland Wool Yarn
  • Klippan FARO Wool Yarn


Harrisville Highland Wool Yarn の方は、すでに2本の糸がねじられている状態で売られていて、私のプロジェクトにはちょうどいい太さなので、そのまま使います。

Klippan FARO Wool Yarn の方は、細い糸のままなので、Harrisville Highland と同等の太さにするために、3束にして使っています。
この Klippan FARO Wool Yarn を3束にするために、私が普段行う方法を紹介します。とっても原始的です。


以下の約2分の YouTube ビデオをまずはご覧ください。

YouTube: Creating Weft Strands | ヨコ糸の束を作る (2:22)

I have taken screen shots of the key points and will explain each of them in the following sections.


1. For the first strand | 1束目

Put the weft in a plastic bag and measure the length of weft needed. This will be the first strand.

The video shows how to take the amount of 30 picks of the weft.

See also the following article for how to measure:

Weft Measurement Techniques for Efficient Weaving





2. For the second strand | 2束目

Once the length of the first strand for 30 picks is confirmed, fold the weft there and wind the first and second strands together on one of the bobbins.


3. For the third strand | 3束目

Screenshots 1-4: When you reach the end of the second strand, fold the weft again and use another bobbin to wind the third strand together. Put the first bobbin together into the plastic bag containing the weft.

Screenshots 5 and 6: In the plastic bag, the weft and the first bobbin rotate while the third strand is wound together on another bobbin.

Screenshot 7: When you reach the end point, cut there.

Screenshot 8: This completes the weft in 3 strands.





The best number of strands varies from yarn to yarn and from project to project, so I recommend that you actually weave to see which quantity is best for you.

Thank you for reading to the end!

