Preparing Weft with Bobbins and/or Butterflies | ボビンやバタフライでヨコ糸を準備する


If the weft to be prepared is long, a bobbin makes it easier to manage the weft. See the following links of previous articles on how to measure the weft and how to wind weft strands on a bobbin:

What about when the weft is not long enough to wind onto a bobbin?

If the weft is not that long, it means that a large area will not be woven with the weft. In this case, it is easier to manage the weft by butterflies than by bobbins.

I would like to explain the procedure in the following two YouTube short videos:

  1. Preparing weft with a butterfly
  2. Using a butterfly weft




手順については、以下の二つの YouTube ショートビデオで説明していきたいと思います。

  1. バタフライでヨコ糸を準備する
  2. バタフライのヨコ糸を使う

1. Preparing weft with a butterfly | バタフライでヨコ糸を準備する

YouTube: The video length: 41 seconds | ビデオの長さ:41秒

This video shows how to make a butterfly.

With your palm outstretched, hook the weft around your thumb and pinky and wrap it around your hand in a figure of eight. The key is that the second round trip should be wrapped above the first, and the third round trip should be above the second, and so on.

If it is within 5-6 round trips or so, it is an appropriate butterfly length.

After that, bring the unwrapped end up and under the wrapped bundle to make a loop, then pass the end through the loop and secure it.

The little remaining tail should be wrapped around the bundle so that it does not interfere with the weaving process.






2. Using a butterfly weft | バタフライのヨコ糸を使う

YouTube: The video length: 24 seconds | ビデオの長さ:24秒

The next video shows how to use the butterfly weft.

It is very easy to do. When you want a little more weft length while weaving, simply pull the weft from the butterfly bundle.



Butterflies are easier to work with than bobbins when weaving small areas. Depending on the situation, you can choose bobbins and butterflies.

Thank you for reading to the end!

