How To Weave
In this instructional section, I will introduce a series of weaving steps I do.
How To Weave
In this instructional section, I will introduce a series of weaving steps I do.
Design Techniques
Design with Adobe Illustrator. Here is how I use this design tool in my tapestry weaving projects.
Selected tapestries I have woven in the past are posted here. I hope you enjoy them:)
The article shows various weaving techniques, including how to weave horizontal and vertical lines and polka dots, using detailed samples. | 横ラインや縦ライン、ドット柄の織り方など、さまざまな織り方を詳細なサンプルを使って紹介します。
This article introduces basic weaving techniques and rules using an actual sample. Illustrations and photos are provided for clarity. | この記事では、実際のサンプルを使って基本的な織り方の技法とルールを紹介します。わかりやすいようにイラストや写真を使用しています。
Before starting the actual weaving, several preparations are necessary to provide structural stability to the tapestry and improve the final appearance. | 実際に織り始める前に、タペストリーの構造を安定させたり、最終的な見栄えを良くするために、いくつかの準備が必要です。